This may be a topic I return to numerous times, but I’m coming to realize that I need some INTERNALLY referenceable stuff for guiding and keeping this site integral. I suspect that the whole ACTIVITY of writing this blog will create its own lessons (doesn’t everything?), but I’d like to take what I’ve learned to date and codify it for moving forward.
I’m sure every CMS or blog software has or not its own capabilities to do some of this management. What iI’m working on here is the unique combination of WordPress-Xinha-utilities that are now driving the tasks necessary to care and feed this site.
Many of the previous ‘Prepare to Blog’ categories deal with various public aspects of the site. What I am coming to realize, however, is that the site itself becomes a sort of filing cabinet, attention "fly paper", or other kind of pheromone. As a result, since WordPress has its separate page creating capability, perhaps it makes sense to create "hidden" pages on the site, usefuf for site management purposes, but only available to the site administrators (me). Thus, I have created and populated a starting set of four internal management pages:
- Common Inserts
- Common Styles
- Pending Topics
- Pending Task Lists.
I am not showing links to these, because they are in fact works in progress, should be changing constantly, and may present thoughts and ideas that I am toying with but may never complete. However, the point is not that I have "private" aspects of this site, but that the framework of these sites can also extend into project management and task tracking, aspects not seen by the general public.
Like the guy in the bear suit taling about stream water and Dasani, perhaps there is too much salmon spawning in my efforts.
Author’s Note: I actually decided to commit to a blog on April 27, 2005, and began recording soon thereafter my steps in doing so. Because of work demands and other delays, the actual site was not released until July 18, 2005. To give my ‘Prepare to Blog …’ postings a more contemporaneous feel, I arbitrarily changed posting dates on this series one month forward, which means some aspects of the actual blog were better developed than some of these earlier posts indicate. However, the sequence and the content remain unchanged. A re-factored complete guide will be posted at the conclusion of the ‘Prepare to Blog …’ series, targeted for release about August 18, 2005. mkb